Корпорация Альянс Общая информация

Общая информация об альянсе


Tribal Band

Base principals

There are a few base principals anything else is centered around. Not following any of them will have consequences for the person or corporation in question and most likely include a kick from the alliance.

1. Every single capsuleer within the alliance helps out other members whenever needed if possible.

2. We follow a strict NBSI (not blue shoot it) policy in every space outside of high sec!

3. We do NOT smack talk, scam or grief and in general treat each other well be it friend or foe.

4. We do support all areas of Eve to a certain extent and everyone is welcome. However applications will only be accepted upon referral or invite.

5. CTAs (Call to arms) are the ONLY mandatory op and can only be announced by a member of the Shadow Assembly.

6. We are new player friendly.

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